Because life insurance is not an option!

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Finding Life Insurance with Asthma

Those with asthma normally do not think of it as a big deal.  They live with the affliction every day and have no trouble managing it.  That is until the person with asthma goes to get life insurance.  It is then that they discover that their asthma is a big deal. 

Insurance companies have underwriters.  They decide what the risks are in insuring certain people versus others.  Nearly all companies that provide life insurance have provisions concerning asthmas.  

The companies of course consider how severe your asthma is.  If you have very few attacks   then you may be able to get the standard rates for life insurance.  If you have moderate asthmas your rate will increase.  If you have severe asthmas then you will be paying a bloated amount for life insurance if you can even get approved. 

When you go to purchase life insurance, the insurance company will need to know several things.  These will determine what your rate will be if they can insure you at all.

They will need to know if you have acute or chronic asthma.   How many attacks you have had in the last year?  Are you now or have you ever been a smoker? When were you first diagnosed with asthma?

These questions are very important as they will all have an impact on how much you will pay for life insurance. 

There are also websites that can help you find good rates for life insurance even with severe asthma. 

Just like major insurance companies offer, they offer the ability to get a free quote on  life insurance rates and take your asthmas into consideration.  A simple Google search will connect you with many of these sites. 

Finding life insurance with asthma can be difficult but it is not impossible if you take this advice.